Thursday 8 November 2012

First Task Thoughts

This is a link to my school magazine in which i finished as part of a preliminary task at the start of my media course.
The task was to create a school magazine with a front cover and a contents page appealing to your target audience and promote the school and advertise different events and include different pages on the contents page that would normally appear on a school magazine.
I think that the school magazine was a good starter task to prepare us for our music magazine and give us an idea of what posts to include and what to write on our blogs.
i also think that it was a good way to get us used to the software 'In Design' and made us familiar with the tools and the programme itself, i believe my music magazine will be more detailed than it would have been if i didnt make my school magazine because now im familiar with the software and im used to using and accessing and il be more confident when creating my music magazine.
My main thought is to carefully plan and think about the type of genre my music magazine will be and who my target audience will be and how i can appeal to them and make my magazine to its full potential and make every aspect of it perfect.

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