Monday 10 December 2012

Camera Angles

 When taking my main photo's for my music magazine i will need to take into consideration many different aspects in order for the photo's to be relevant and so i can capture the best shots possible. I will need to position my music artists and stage them in a suitable way so i can get the correct message across to my target audience and make sure that there facial expressions and body language is fully visible so it makes the shot more appealing professional. I will need to decide if i will take the shot from a low angle which would make my boy band have a higher status and they will be looking down on the camera which would connote to confidence and makes them seem bigger and gives them a aura of powerfulness. If i wanted to convey a different message i would take the shot from a high angle which would give them a sense of venerability and would make them seem innocent and would give them an automatic low status. 
I want to make sure that my music artists engage with the audience as much as they can, so capturing eye contact is vital and i want to make sure that there facial expressions are exactly right and all of them are focusing on the camera and staring into it as if they are looking at the readers. I need to make sure there body language gives the right impression and that all of them are doing appropriate and relevant things and it doesn't look random and tacky but professional and appealing.

1 comment:

  1. Good evidence of thought, Emily - but these comments are rather general. You should have a clear idea by now of the image you are trying to convey, whereas this seems rather vague? What is the 'right impression' and the 'right image'?
