Tuesday 4 December 2012

Front Cover Photo Ideas

Now iv got alot of research completed, im beginning to think about the different shots and colours i will use and the background that i will create in my photo's to give it the right image and message i want to portray to my readers. My main colour scheme for my magazine will be blue,pink and yellow as they got the most votes from my target research so i dont want to use colours that will clash with these and i want to use colours that will connote and match with the colours im using already. Light purples and greens could be an option as they are quite bold colours that will work with the blue,pink and yellow. 
Im also thinking about the style, clothes and props my models will be using to make them consistent to my magazine and to blend them in with my style of a pop and to give them a professional image and make them seem like an up to date popular boy band that all the girls love and drool over. I will dress my models in new, modern and causal fashion with one of the boys holding a guitaur and a mix of style between them. For example 2 of them may be wearing beanie type hats and the others trainers, i want them all to look different and not clash but fit together as a band. So to do this i will need to think carefully about the colours of clothes im using and how they all look together and if it will work with the colour scheme that the title and headings will be in.
I will need to take there facial expressions and body language into consideration aswell and make how they look appealing to young girls and make them want to purchase my music magazine and read inside. I want my boy band to come across as a cheeky, flirty and fun group of boys that all the girls love and in the photo's im going to take i want there personalitys to come out and make the photos seem fun and mischevious. A current boy band i could base them on would be one direction or jls and make the heading seem as if the interview is a 'must read, and a heated 'revealing all' one'.

 This is a perfect example as the boys are all doing different things, they look happy and as if there laughing and having a joke and it makes them seem like cheeky young boys which fans and young girls will want to see and read about.

This is another good example of how i would want to take photo's of my boyband for my music magazine. The contrast between the colours works well and they are all dressed in different ways and styles but it works well. For example Louis is wearing blue chino's, red braces and white vans, where as Niall is wearing a red and blue cardigan, beige chino's and white trainers, the outfit styles are completley different but the colours blend and it works. The photo is also a fun, playful image where the boys look as if there having a laugh, and are all doing different things. Even though they are all looking directly into the image, there body language is all doing different things and its a fun photo to look at and it would appeal to young girls. There facial expressions are also all different and they all look to be having a good time.

Possible background idea's could be a completley white background, which would be easy if i wanted all the attention to be focused on the models and if the i wanted there where abouts to remain unknown. If i made a white background i wouldnt need to worry about any colours that would clash with there clothes or the writing and headings. It could work but a worry would be that it would be to plain and boring and would make the cover seem bare and uninteresting and if i had an actual location it could be more appealing to people and could make it seem more professional.

A different location i was considering would be to use a park in the background as its a fun, local place to be with nature and natural sunlight. There would also be a range of colours in the background and i could take lots of different shots with different scenerious, such as them jumping off a bench, climbing up a tree or running around chasing eachother. It would be quite a fun, lighthearted location and would have the season in the background reflecting what season and issue the magazine is.There would also be leaves and natural resources already there and even though there portrayed as this 'famous boy band' it shows there pretty normal going to a park like everyday people do.

Another location i think could be sucessful would be to take the photo's on an actual stage and position my boy band in a professional way or as if they are performing to an audience, i could even get them to sing and take the photo's as they are singing. This would be appealing to my target audience as it would interest them to see them performing or i could take photo's of them preparing to perform and getting ready, this would make the readers feel as if they are getting back stage gossip and seeing the latest and newest information. Taking the photo's on stage would also relate to the fact that they are a boy band and its a part of what they do, my only doubt would be the background might be a bit plain and too simple and may look boring if there is just a curtain behind the boys i may need to add some props to make it look more appealing and attractive.

1 comment:

  1. Emily this is sadly lacking in content, where is your photo-shoot plan? Where are the details of models, make-up, artists etc. You are now behind and need to catch up.

