Wednesday 2 January 2013

My Flat Plan

This is a copy of my flat plan which i produced to help me prepare for my music magazine,i created 60 pages and headlines which is a basic outline of what will be included in my magazine. i have made pages that will attract different age ranges and will add appeal to my magazine and that are unique and that you wont see in other magazines such as 'learn dance routines' and special pages on certain venues and locations. iv also included photo shoots and poster pullouts that will interest the younger readers that will purchase my magazine. i will include well known music artists and include recent news about them and have fact files and have them answering questions that will make the readers tempted to buy and read on further if theres un read information being exposed. i think the flat plan is important to create because it allows me to see what iv included, what headlines i should include on my front page which will persuade other people to read it. The quiz, competition and special givaways will involve the audience and make them interact with the magazine and involve themselves in what im producing and in includes them in the things im creating and the magazine itself.

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