Thursday 24 January 2013

Mock Ups Of my Music Magazine

This is a mock up of my music magazine front cover, its my first plan of what im going to be creating for my first page of my music magazine, iv included a rough copy of where certain things will be placed including the price,barcode and date, where the sell lines will be and where i will be featuring competitions and where the photographs will be and iv planned everything so i just need to add in colour and the correct headings and image. This will make is easier for me and i can create my magazine in a more planned way.

This is my second mock up of my music magazine front cover i have included the font,and the colour and the issue date, with the headlines im going to be using, including the colours which are colours i choose as a colour scheme from my research, iv also made the more important words in bold font and iv included the title 'BUZZ!' which is the title that will be recognised and my target audience will become familaur with this trademark and will buy the magazine when they see the title and interesting head lines iv included.

This is a mock up plan of my contents page i have included basic text boxes of where i am going to include certain headings and where the photos and editors column are going to be placed. This will make the making of my contents page much easier and i will be able to create it alot easier because i have a mock up plan and i just have to fill in the boxes and place what belongs in the boxes.
This is a mock up plan of my double page spread in which im going to be creating a double interview on my boy band 'Avenue' i have placed text boxes where im going to include photos of the band and where the main interview will be, this is a rough plan of what its going to look like and where i need to include the interview text of what im writing. By doing this it gives me a structured plan and makes it more organised and i have a better idea of what im doing and how its going to turn out.

This is my photo plan of my double page spread, i have inserted these images in to the designated places where i want them to be and i will write the main body of the interview around the photos. This gives my magazine a more professional edge and it makes it more appealing and interesting to look at if the text is in a different way and the photos of the boys make it more fun to look at the photoshoot gives it a edge. All i need to do now is place my text around the photos.

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