Tuesday 29 January 2013

Contents Page Photo

This is my second model i will be using for my music magazine, i have created a second music star 'Keisha' and i will include a headline of her on my title page and this photo on my contents page. I believe its important to have 2 music stars as it makes it more real and believeable and will add more appeal to my magazine as a whole. i already have my boy band which is my main music star being featured but i have now added another music artist which i have created to make a interview on and it will add more appeal and will seem more professional and will add a sense of realism about it. I will include a headline about her on the front page and further in the magazine there will be a article focusing on her.

1 comment:

  1. Emily this is coming on but you must spend more time working on your media coursework. Your images for the DPS need some work try using picmonkey a good site for adjusting images. Well done for using a second artist - do you have any more images?

