Wednesday 2 January 2013

Magazine Photos

For preparation of making my music magazine, i thought over different locations and shots i wanted to take of my boy band to use for my music magazine. I looked at various shots of other boybands and looked at current covers of music magazines to inspire me and help me with idea's for mine.

This is one of the shots i took which is of the boys running through a quiet, secretive place through an alley. The shot is clear and the background is a nice scenario with a woodland winter effect, all the boys look happy and as if they are having fun and that theres a real connection between them and they are all getting along well and it shows there having fun by there facial expressions and there open body language as there running away from eachother. It connotes that it is winter because of the cold wintery sky in the background, the frost on the bushes and the fact that all the boys are wearing coats. I like this image, but i dont believe its front cover material so i may consider using it on my contents page to show the boys joking around and being mishevious in there spare time which is what the fans would want to see. 

This is another location i choose which is the music room in the music block, it shows the boys in another light and shows there musical side of playing instruments, teaching eachother and bonding. I would crop out the background and would just have the boys teaching eachother playing and the drums. They are all doing different things and it shows them being serious and creative and how Chris Oatis is teaching Luis Murphy and the photo shows him explaining something and Luis's facial expression shows him listening and taking it all in. i would also consider using this photo for my contents page or on the double page spread on the interview as it relates to there music and shows them hard at work and practising there music.

This is a shot i took of the boys all together, laughing and smiling as a group, i think this image shows the cheesy side to the band and the bond they have together. If i was to use this image i would crop out the background and replace it with a plain white setting because all the attention should be payed on the boys faces and how there connected as a group. I would also consider using this on my contents page or double page spread interview because its a good clear image with them all staring straight into the camera and they all look really happy to be together and it shows how close they are as a group.

This is another image i may use for my front page cover shot, the boys look as if they mean buisness, they look serious and fierce and the vibe between them works well with the way they are postioned and there facial expressions. I would crop out the background and just have them sitting on stairs and make an effect on it to make it darker so it connotes with the winter theme and the boys 'vibe' of being scary and fierce with there serious facial expressions. The shot always looks quite professional with the way they are postioned at different heights on the stairs.

This is one on my favourite shots, they are all positioned different and at different heights with them all posing and staring directly into the camera, it shows the band in a more professional way and them in a proper photoshoot. Its in the same forest background with them posing with a gate which i found another band doing in photos i had looked at. The coats and cold weather connotes with the winter edition of the magazine i will be producting and i would put a brighter effect on the image to make it more clearer but i would definatly consider using this as my front cover shot because i feel it would work well with my issue and theme of the magazine and looks professional suitable, with a bit of editing and tweeking i feel it could work really well.

1 comment:

  1. You need to add a commentary to go with the shots.
    I'm assuming you'll be rejecting the images that are clearly taken in a school...? Or how are you planning to edit them?
