Friday 22 February 2013

finished contents page

this is the final draft of my contents page, i followed through with the planning and research and also kept with the consistency of colours, as my orginal colour scheme was pink,blue and yellow and the main colours that feature are them 3 colours. i also believe that it reflects my target audience of young girls and teenagers and its bright, happy and girly with all the bright colours and fun fonts. Iv also shown the title of the magazine 'BUZZ' in the same large font and different shades of blue as that would be the trademark title for my magazine and the audience would recognise it and it stands out and it would be familaur and more readers would know my magazine. iv also added another music star Keisha (Kesha) to add more appeal and it would attract more readers and would interest more people, the magazine mentions 'Kesha Exposed' this would jump out to readers and would make them want to read on and see what has happened, as 'exposed' could mean many things, it doesnt give out to much information and it would widen the range of people that would be interested in reading, it also looks more professional if more then one music star is featured, as from my research a few music stars are involved in issues every month which defiantly makes them more tempting to buy and interesting to read. From my research i also found that most magazines have a column from the editor giving a brief description of whats coming up and whats going to be shown in the magazine, its a good chance to further persuade the reader to purchase the magazine and read on, as im the editor i mentioned 'whats hot' the main articles focused and i spoke in a chatty, friendly but persuasive tone, because its important to be friendly but you want them to support the magazine at the same time. As my music magazine contains 60 pages, including advertisments, competitions and star sign pages, i only included page numbers and articles that would be appealing to readers and they reflect my target audience, pages such as 'o2 arena inside out, how to become a music star, learn dance routines and special giveaways' this will appeal to the younger readers because its articles they would want to read is different compared to other orginal music magazine.

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