Friday 22 February 2013

finished double page spread

This is the final draft of my double page spread for my music magazine, i followed the planning of it by keeping the photos of AVENUE in the same positions as i planned and postioned them around the text interview. i also kept with consitency of colour and have the pink background again and the blue,pink and yellow font. I wanted the interview to be appealing so i created an interview asking various questions about there love life, music and friends and family. i wanted to create a life like interview and make it seem as real as possible, from researching other music magazines, and reading the type of interviews that appear in real music magazine it influenced what i would include in mine and the type of questions i would ask.

After creating all of my magazine on InDesign it was much harder than i thought, the software was very complicated, and it was confusing to access the tools, and put everything where you wanted it to go. if i could change i would fill up the empty spaces and fill all the gaps, i would take more photos of the my music star and would consider having a solo star to focus on as it would be easier to take photos and i could include more detail on them. i wouldnt change my name of the magazine or the colour scheme as i believe they work well together.

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