Friday 21 February 2014

Analysing magazines further

I believe that it is important to look at different types of magazines in order to understand the conventions that run through all genres and for how to make my magazine professional and effective.
Even though I am creating a music magazine I have also been looking at fashion and health magazines to inspire me and by doing this it has made me aware that all magazines do stick to familiar conventions, for example a consistent colour scheme, main image of model/artist and a the title in big bold font at the top.

When looking at this magazine, the first thing I  noticed was the big green title 'Health' at the very top, straight away i am aware of what the magazine is going to be about, what the colour scheme will consist of and by having the colour Green on the front cover it very much supports the message of 'health' as it is a fresh colour that people refer to relate to nature and fruit which very much relates to the genre of health. The skyline is also been used in a persuasive way to draw consumers in, by saying they can lose weight without dieting will appeal to lots and many people hate dieting and many consumers buying this magazine will be interested in loosing weight or eating healthier. Many people will look at magazines from top to bottom so its important to catch there attention straight away and attract there pockets immediately, that is generally why the bar code and price is at the bottom because that information is less appealing to customers.
 The image on the cover is a mid shot of an attractive young women, the magazine company will have purposely used this lady as they want other women reading to believe that with 'Health Magazines' help they can be fit and healthy like her. She is also wearing a green vest top which sticks to the colour scheme of green, pink and white which are pure, feminine and healthy colours. Even though black is used and this contrasts these colours as its a more darker and unhappy colour, this cover is therefore going against the conventions for part of the colour scheme. Most of the time, the colours used together have a meaning or support the same message that is being portrayed. The model is also smiling and looks very comfortable in her own skin and looks pure, healthy and happy. This will make consumers want to be like her and aim to get to how she looks, she isn't heavily made up and she looks more natural which sticks to the idea of being 'Healthy and Natural'
The subheadings are again placed around the image like most magazines do. This keeps the image on show and having the headings placed with the model makes consumers see loads of words and lots going on so they think there will loads of content inside, when realistically its mainly advertisements and photos. Most of the text is in black which stands out and is easy to see the main one that stands out to me is 'GET A FLAT BELLY FAST' this has been placed directly under the main title on purpose so it is the next thing the consumers see and is exactly what they would want to see, the whole subheading is in big bold font with the word 'FLAT' slightly bigger just to emphasis that the consumers can be flat and slim fast. Many magazines are clever with there words and it is important to tell customers what they want to hear without being untrue and not telling the truth. Other subheadings '45 foods that burn fat' this is also appealing and short so it doesn't take up the whole page and doesn't give to much away. If they was to tell consumers what the foods were, they wouldn't need to buy the magazine so they need to prolong it as much as possible so they will buy the magazine and then read through and discover what the foods are.
From my research of looking at different magazines i have discovered that all genres follow the same conventions and use the same techniques to appeal to consumers and to get them to buy there product. By doing this it has helped me and taught me that i need to include persuasive and eye catching subheadings and big bold title, a short and snappy skyline and an image of someone that represents all of this and sells what the magazine is trying to say. In music magazines most of the time, the artist on the front of the cover has a big double page spread inside that is advertised on the cover as well.
I am feeling positive about creating my own music magazine and am aiming to make it professional and to include all of the usual conventions.

1 comment:

  1. Ok Emily, now you need to explain the genre of the music magazine you shall be creating and then analyse two contents and double page spreads explaining how they appeal to the audience etc.

