Monday 10 February 2014

Evaluation of my previous blog

From looking through my past blog, reading the posts and seeing the magazine i created, i realised that i could have done much better and created a more professional looking magazine.
I liked the genre of music that i choose and the band of boys i created named 'Avenue' but overall it was very vague and didnt include enough detail.
The magazine was very basic looking and the image i used was very pixlated and was squeezed down to much so the photo looked squashed and out of proportion which made the image look blurred and unprofessional.
The font was also placed around the image very randomly and some parts were quite hard to read. i also dont like the colour scheme i used as it doesnt work together and looks very childish and basic. There are also to many colours i have used, next time i plan to use 2. Instead of the text just placed i want and need to blend the colours and place them suitably around the image to make it look more professional and easier to read. The actual font i used was to varied and i chose to many different styles which made them clash and the photo then looked to over loaded and some parts were hard to read and other parts stood out to much. Next time i am going to try and use one font, two at the very most to keep it more simple and realistic. Although some magazines do have different fonts, i can clearly see that the amount of different fonts i used did not work and the whole outcome just looks messy.
The image would have been fine, if it wasnt pixlelated and i have widened my knowledge of photoshop so if the same problem was to occur again i could fix it so that the image did fit within the correct dimensions. I am also fully prepared to create a new artist and am excited to have a second chance to complete my Music magazine. From the experience i have had creating it i now have more knowledge and a better understanding of what i need to do and how to get there.

 This was my finished contents page i made. From looking back at it i can now see how much better i could have done and how rushed it actually was. Although i kept the same title throughout with the same font and colour, it still looks tacky and unprofessional and i have rushed it and randomly placed the text. The whole thing looks really basic and although the image has potential, i have cropped it awkwardly so it overhangs the writing and doesnt look neat, where as i should have cropped it down so its in line with the text above. The font colours again are to much and theres to many different colours going on, although its consistent with my front cover it still has that basic feel about it and doesnt look like a professional contents page. The black font also looks really plain and takes up alot of the room in the middle and the gaps between them all dont match and are again quite randomly placed. Although the idea i had was there, the outcome didnt come out to plan as it was rushed and looks very unprofessional and i plan to manage my time more carefully next time round so i spend enough time of each part so its fair, equal and hopefully my coursework will come out better this time.

My double page spread was my most sucessful out the three. Although there was uneccessary gaps around the spread and the font was also hard to read. I liked that in the interview i had the font different colours for each group member as from my research i found out that many magazines do that when interviewing and is a easy way for consumers to see who is answering what question. It also makes the font stand out more. The images are good photos but are cropped and pixelated like the front cover and i squashed them down too much so that they would fit but this caused them to look blurry and unprofessional. Although the title at the top looks bold and eye catching the gap underneath will draw consumers away as it looks unfinished and bare. The font in this part isnt to varied but still has a basic feel about it. I am planning to do much more research then before and look at many more double page spreads to inspire and give me ideas of how to create a more professional and sucessful music magazine.

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