Tuesday 18 March 2014

Target Audience Moodboard

This was my previous stereotypical audience member, and the mood board I made, this shows a slightly younger teenager with the school image and the innocent sleepover photo, the radio stations and fashion connote the stereotypical teenager and all of these photos described my previous magazine and what type of person would enjoy the articles included. Although some images aren't relevant like the O2 arena and the One million perfume as they are quite random and the O2 is just a venue and the perfume isn't significant to every teenage girl but is just an example, for my next mood board I will ensure that all my images have relevance and relate highly to the my stereotypical consumer.

Instead of combining my mood boards for boys and girls I have decided to create two separate ones to really show the comparisons and differences that each genre have. As boys and girls will both stereotypically be interested in my music magazine so by taking into consideration what males and females like I can include certain features and articles that will appeal to them.

This Mood board is a perfect example of what girls that read my magazine would be interested in, the age of girls has increased slightly compared to my previous magazine and I have showed this by adding 'Kiss and Capital FM' in the younger mood board and in my current one adding ' reading festival' as they will be at the age where festivals appeal to them. The sleepover image connotes an older girl as they have slightly more revealing Pj's on and are posing more provocatively compared to the innocent pose above.
The cinema image shows that they like to go out and socialise so competitions involving days out would appeal to them and attract there attention. Fashion is vital for most teens along with makeup as girls like to look there best for when they go out to parties and clubs. If I had to describe the type of girl that would stereotypical read my magazine it would be, Interested in music and festivals, going out having fun and looking good. I feel like my mood board shows this.

This is my mood board that I have created to express the stereotypical boy that would be interested in my magazine. Like the girls, boys are also interested in festivals, so it is clear that as its the beginning of festival season as well I need to make sure that I include articles featuring around this as it will appeal to both genres. Boys in my age range 'stereo typically' like to look good,  and have a good time, just like girls. The muscle photo and gym connotes that boys like to look good and keep fit and the girls makeup and clothes show that they also like to look good. The party, DJ and pub are there to portray the scenes of where boys like to have a good time. These mood boards are a good reference to give me inspiration for what articles to include in my magazine, they also both describe my stereo typical audience members very well.

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