Monday 10 March 2014

What Ethos will my magazine have?

I want my magazine to be appealing to a wide range of different consumers. I want it to be a fun musical sensation filled with information and events and to be unique compared to other music magazines. My aim is for readers to recognise the cover, logo and font and know straight away what it is and for it to stand out compared to other magazines.
I plan to make it unique by creating a distinctive logo and a name that represents my magazines music intentions well.
The language used will be informal, chatty and casual that many teenagers will be able to relate to and enjoy reading. I want them to be positive when reading my magazine and chat to there friends about the articles within it, including competitions to win tickets to gigs or festivals, that is what will get groups of friends talking.
A good example of an article that I would include would be tips for First festival timers; vital information that they need to know but may be embarrassed to ask about. Articles like that will appeal to my target audience but is also good for there own welfare and safety. Although I want my magazine to be fun I also will include music artists in my magazine and they will dominant the main double page spreads. Competitions and Giveaways are also eye catching and stand out to consumers as they will want to get involved and have a chance of winning.

1 comment:

  1. Emily, what you have is good, there is just not enough, there is three weeks until the deadline you still have an awful lot to do - keep posting.

